Sermon on the Mount: Two Must-Have Books
We're embarking on a 10-week study of the Sermon on the Mount this fall at Coram Deo. I'm sure this list will grow, but for now, here are two must-have books for anyone looking to mine the rich insights of this famous discourse. Martyn Lloyd-Jones first published his Studies in the Sermon on the Mount in 1959. Like GK Chesterton, CS Lewis, and Francis Schaeffer, his insights have a timelessness to them that makes them as prescient and provocative today as they were then.
Peter Kreeft is a Roman Catholic with a daringly Protestant understanding of grace, faith, and salvation. In Back to Virtue, he brilliantly juxtaposes the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10) with the Seven Deadly Sins. My colleague Ethan says he has yet to find a better work on the Beatitudes than what Kreeft has put forth here.