The Reason for Liturgy

People often wonder why our worship gatherings at Coram Deo follow a scripted, liturgical sort of pattern. This is (part of) the answer.My kids were sick a couple weeks ago, so they stayed home from church (to keep from getting everyone else's kids sick). When we miss church for any reason, we always create some sort of 'worship service' at home to reinforce the fact that Sundays are the Lord's Day. On this particular morning, my 7-year-old son took it upon himself to create a worship script for the family to follow.Some people think that a free-form worship service is more spontaneous and Spirit-led. My response is: yes, and it also discriminates - especially against kids. Kids love structure. Their little minds don't yet grasp the abstract truths of the faith, so they have a hard time enjoying a free-flowing, spontaneous worship service. But they can follow a patterned liturgy. Liturgy is like a map: it helps you know where you're going. And kids like that.


Covenant Diagrams


Derek Webb in Concert