The Gospel-Centered Life
These studies, co-authored with Will Walker, help Christians understand the life-changing power of the gospel.
My preaching, praying, and teaching that seeks to engage our deepest questions and apply the gospel to all of life.
Training for Church Leaders
Created and refined over 2 decades of ministry, these field guides help equip elders and deacons for gospel ministry in the local church.
This website exists to help make my thinking, writing, and resources accessible – primarily to those who are engaged in the work of church planting, cultural renewal, spiritual/theological formation, and/or leadership development.
The resources I post here are necessarily selective. For a broader body of work, visit the Coram Deo Church website.
All theology is contextual; everything I create bears the influence of my own church and city. I am deeply grateful to the people of Coram Deo and the friends who lead alongside me for their role in shaping these resources.